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Garmin Striker 4 CHIRP Fishfinder with GPS

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Data sheet

Further Informaiton
Smooth Scaling graphics provide uninterrupted imagery when switching between depth-range scales.
Maritime and Fishing
Finding fish is easier than ever with STRIKER 4 fishfinder. Mark and return to your hot spots, boat ramps and docks, and share your favorite waypoints and routes with other STRIKER and echoMAP combos.
Addtional Information
Sonar history rewind allows you to scroll back through sonar images to mark waypoints you originally may have missed. Plus, it has a built-in flasher and displays speed data.
Chirp Traditional Sonar, Sonar History Rewind, Waypoint Map, Boat Speed Display and Built in Flasher.
Additional Features
Mark Spots with High-sensitivity GPS, Navigate Easily with Waypoint Map, Fish Vertically with Built-in Flasher.
Further Information 2
Includes tilt/swivel mount, CHIRP (77/200 kHz) transducer with transom and trolling motor mounting hardware and cable.
Product Video
Package Includes
STRIKER 4, Dual-beam transducer, Transom and trolling motor mounts, Tilt/swivel mount, Power cable, Documentation.
More Information
For high-performance CHIRP, purchase a GT8 or GT15 transducer (each sold separately).
Other Garmin products available on request.

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